December hónapba lépve azon gondolkodom hogy vajon hova tűnt az elmúlt év, hogyan telhetett el ilyen gyorsan? Itt az idő hogy visszatekintsek az elmúlt hónapokra... Időt szakítani arra, hogy újra emlékezzem és köszönetet mondjak azokért a csodálatos dolgokért amik velem történtek. 2012 egy hihetetlenül izgalmas és eseményekkel teli év volt, kezdve olyan nagy dolgokkal mint a Fulbright ösztöndíj és Amerikába való költözés, folytatva csodálatos és izgalmas utazásokkal és befejezve kisebb, de annál örömtelibb emlékekkel a hazatérést követően. Ha van valami, amit ebben az évben tanultam, az mindenképpen az, hogy segít a személyiség fejlődésedben, mitöbb jobb emberré tesz, ha új –és néha akár ijesztő– dolgokat csinálsz. Ne feledd, egyszer ki kell lépni a kényelmi zónából:) Íme egy fotóesszé az elmúlt hónapokról, ezek azok a pillanatok amelyekre emlékezni fogok és amiket majd magammal viszek az új évbe. Remélem tetszeni fognak a képek, hamarosan találkozunk!
Read the post in English!
As I enter the month of December, I
wonder where the year has gone; how has it passed so quickly? Yes, is
time to take a look back to the past months... Take the time to remember
and say thank you for all the wonderful things that happened in my
life. 2012 was
an incredibly eventful year for me, from big events like receiving the
Fulbright scholarship and moving to the USA for a research project, to
taking wonderful and
exciting journeys, to smaller but even happier events following my
return to Europe. If
there is a single thing I have learnt this year, is that doing new –and
sometimes scary–things actually help you grow personally, and make
you a better person. Remember, one day you have to push yourself out of
your comfort zone!:) Collected here is my photo summary of the past
months, these are the moments I will remember and carry into the next
year. Enjoy the photos and see you next year !
My first rodeo and my real introduction to Houston! |
San Fransisco, where our West Coast road trip started in March. |
San Fransisco Japanese Tea Garden:) |
Monterey, the Cannery Row. |
Santa Cruz, we love you... |
Big Sur, California. |
Santa Maria among flowers. |
Oh yes, the Habit burger is absolutely the best chain burger I have ever tasted. |
We went whale watching, but saw only a few whales in Santa Barbara. |
I made some new friends by the Beach:) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Venice Beach - looks better in movies than in real life. |
Los Angeles and Grauman's Chinese Theatre. |
Cameron, Sunset...
The Horseshoe Band invited us to take a deep breath. |
Grand Canyon, the greatest Canyon we have ever seen... |
Our road trip came into its end in the Sin City:) |
In April, I flew to Washington D.C. for the Fulbright Enrichment Seminar. |
My friend, Cecilia and I took our backpacks to Puerto Rico in May:) |
It |
was |
just |
amazing... |
Right after that I visited my friends in Montreal, Canada for a short weekend. |
And my heart was full, once again :) |
End of July I returned to the Netherlands:)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
A week after my arrival we hit the road again to see our friends in Reims, France.
And saw the sound and light show of the Notre Dame Cathedral. |
In September we went on a family vacation to Crete, Greece... |
I could not get enough from the sunshine... |
and the nice people:)
Finished the journeys of the year in Burssels, Belgium with the Hungarian Fulbright Alumni. Source:gmbbrusselsbranch | | | | | | |
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